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Standing Bow Pose Is So Famous, But Why?

It is no wonder that Standing Bow Pose is so famous. In this article, we shall discuss why Standing Bow Pose is popular and other related topics. The simple but fascinating action and movements that we create in performing this yoga posture will make it worthy to be praised and mentioned among other well-known yoga poses.

It is very useful for improving our health and for relaxation. This asana helps us boost our blood circulation, and with its aid we may be able to get rid our headaches.


Why standing bow pose is so famous?

Standing bow pose is one of the popular yoga poses. It is an impressive balancing posture that strengthens the entire body, especially the legs and feet. It stretches the abdominal organs, throat, chest, and shoulders. It tones the thighs, hips, and calves. It helps those people with sciatica, as well.

The intense stretch through the legs, groin and abdomen combined with the opening of the chest and shoulders are all part of why this pose is so famous. That and it looks really cool!


As one of the most iconic yoga poses, it combines the words ‘Sthira’ (meaning steadfast) and ‘sukham’ (meaning comfort). The goal is to create a balance between strength building and in-between comfort.

This yoga posture may be a peace pose. It is known as a “warrior” since it’s actually a very challenging yoga pose—if you’re not prepared. Dhanurasana in Sanskrit, it is a back bending asana.

Standing bow pose is a great way to learn how to stand on your hands. It develops strength in the wrists and forearms while opening up your shoulders and stretching your hamstrings. If you want to add some more fun into your practice, you may incorporate other variations such as wheel pose.

Likewise, it gives the same effects as other standing position yoga like Mountain Pose. As such, it adds to its popularity.

Standing bow pose is also an intense full body stretch that uses almost every muscle in your body. It can build strength and increase flexibility. It may even help to:

  • Improve the flexibility of your spine and shoulders
  • Increase your lung capacity
  • Strengthen your chest and arms
  • Improve the health of your heart, lungs, and liver
  • Stimulate digestion

This yoga execution may be a challenging backbend body movement requiring malleability in the spine and hips. This flexes the chest, shoulders, and thighs while strengthening the legs, arms, and back. It has many variations that are appropriate for beginners to advanced practitioners.

You will feel a sense of lightness in your body after doing this pose. Your enthusiasm level increases and you feel energetic and active. It’s a beautiful yoga execution to practice when you need a boost of energy or when you feel mentally and physically fatigued.

Dandayamana Dhanurasana comes from three Sanskrit words, namely:

  • Dandayamana means standing or erect
  • Dhanu means bow and
  • Asana means posture or seat

The word Dhanurasana already implies the shape of this pose, as it forms like a bow. The posture has its variations like the locust pose, which is considered less intense and more gentle than the standing bow pose. The person doing Dhanurasana will look like an archer pulling the string of a bow.

How do you do a standing bow pose?

As mentioned, standing bow pose is a very intense backbend. It feels great when your back is tired from sitting at the computer. It gets its name from the shape you make with your body, which resembles a drawn bow. Being a challenging position, it is suggested to use a wall until your body becomes stronger.

You will stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and place your right hand on your sacrum. You should let your left arm reach up toward the sky. Your right arm should be in front of you. However, it should not be straight out to the side. It must be slightly tilted forward from your right hip, instead.

You will, as well, need to exhale to bend forward at the hips and reach your left hand back toward your right ankle. You must try to bend the knee if necessary, or hold onto the inner arch of your foot if you can’t reach all the way down.

You have to draw both arms straight and lift through the top of the head as you press down evenly through both feet to lift the chest up off of the thighs. You are required to breathe steadily for 5–8 breaths then slowly release and repeat on the other side.

This may be considered as an advanced yoga pose, necessitating strength and flexibility, as stated. Your body looks like a bow being pulled back, thereby, working your core, legs, back, and chest.

Step by step guide

  • Stand straight with your feet together and arms at your sides.
  • Take inhale and take your hands up over your head. Exhale and bend forward from the hips.
  • Bend your knees slightly as you fold forward. Place your hands next to each other on the floor in front of you with fingers spread wide apart. Tuck your chin into your chest, so it is parallel to the floor.
  • Inhale again and lift the right leg off of the floor behind you as high as is comfortable (without straining). If you are feeling steady at this point, lift the left arm up to the sky in line with your right leg (as shown in photo).
  • Exhale and extend both legs straight out behind you in opposite directions, right arm pointing toward the floor, left arm pointing straight up toward the sky (as shown in photo). Keep both arms straight but not locked and engage all of the muscles in your core.

If you are having trouble with the pose, try breaking it down into smaller steps so that you can build up to the full expression of the pose.

What are the benefits of bow pose?

Being a backbend yoga asana, standing bow pose stimulates the entire body and promotes flexibility by opening the chest and shoulders. It also stretches the upper abdomen, thighs, and hip flexors, strengthens the legs, arms and back muscles, and opens the heart central area.

It flexes your front body. A deep backbend like bow pose expands your entire front body from your ankles to your neck. It releases the tension in the front of major muscle groups. It is an exhilarating yoga posture that leaves you feeling more open and energized. The benefits of bow pose are numerous both physically and emotionally.

Standing bow pose, a heart-opening yoga asana, may alleviate muscle tightness in the chest area by pulling your chest forward in a deep backbend. It also strengthens your upper back muscles to improve posture. It may free you from stress or mild depression because it will boost your energy levels, when performing the same.

This yoga posture fortifies your back muscles resulting into a deep extension against gravity while holding the pose for several breaths. When in this position, it also works your core muscles.

List of benefits:

  • Tones the abdomen and organs
  • Strengthens the back muscles
  • Stretches the front part of the body, including the chest, shoulders, and quadriceps
  • Improves posture and balance
  • Helps to relieve migraine headaches, fatigue, asthma, constipation, and menstrual discomfort

Why is bow pose so difficult?

At first glance, standing bow pose looks difficult enough. In this position, you will lift your leg up high, twist your body, and hold the position while balancing on one foot. It might look intimidating, but it’s actually an amazing posture that builds and enhances strength and concentration.

Understanding how to do the basic parts of the pose will help you understand why it’s so challenging to do the full posture. Let’s break down each part, starting with the most basic elements of each movement and then moving to more advanced variations.

To begin, stand with your feet parallel about a foot apart and your hands at your sides. This is called Tadasana or mountain pose. If you’re new to yoga, this is a great place to start because it forces you to find your balance and engage all of the muscles in your legs.


Balancing on one foot is tough for many people because it requires a lot of core strength and stability in your hips, which is where most people lack strength. The easiest way to get started is by lifting one foot off the floor slowly from Tadasana and then putting it back down slowly so you don’t lose balance. Once you’ve mastered that, try holding the pose for five breaths without leaning on anything for support.

Standing bow pose is comprised of three main components: the forward bend, the backbend and the “bow.” The forward bend is one of the first things you learn in yoga, but at the same time, there are a lot of moving parts that make this pose feel more advanced than it is.

The key to standing bow pose is to think about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. This will help you stay focused on your own body and how it feels while doing the pose.

Who should not do bow pose?

In general, anybody who can do standing bow pose will be more than satisfied with the results. However, those who are pregnant should not practice this yoga pose. Not only is it unsafe for the baby, but it may also cause injury to the mother.

This pose should not be done by people suffering from any kind of spinal injuries, hip injuries, knee injuries or neck injury. People who have had abdominal surgeries should avoid this pose as it may put pressure on the abdomen and disrupt any healing that may be taking place internally.

In addition, those with hyperthyroidism should not do this yoga pose. This is because it helps to stimulate the thyroid gland, which may cause hyperthyroidism to worsen. Anyone who has just undergone surgery or has had recent injuries should also avoid doing this yoga pose. It could cause further injury and slow down recovery.

Among others, if you have any of the following problems, then you should avoid doing this pose. This pose is not recommended if you:

  • Have a headache or migraine
  • Are menstruating
  • Have insomnia
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Recent or chronic injury to the hips, back or shoulders
  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy

Most yoga poses are beneficial to nearly everyone, but there are a few exceptions. Some people should avoid carrying out the Standing Bow Pose due to physical or medical conditions. Standing Bow Pose is an advanced standing posture which requires a lot of balance and strength.

Standing bow pose modifications

As with any difficult yoga pose, you may need to modify Standing Bow Pose if you want to be able to do it safely and successfully. And like any other yoga pose, you can vary the basic version of the pose in different ways.

The first step is to make sure that your foundation is solid — that your legs are strong, you’re stable on your feet and you have good balance. If not, work on these things until you do.

You can try Standing Bow Pose against a wall, or with your hands on two blocks placed on either side of your front foot for support. You can also bend your standing leg to reduce stress on the knee joint and back muscles.

If you have any trouble getting into this pose, try these modifications:

  • Exhale and bend your knees to lower your hips, leaning forward slightly so that you can take hold of your ankles with your hands.
  • Use a strap around your ankles to pull yourself into the pose.

If you cannot bend all the way over, stand in front of a wall, place your hands on it at shoulder height and lean forward.

In addition to the basic pose, instead of placing one ankle on top of the other foot, you can cross them underneath each other. This is called bringing your toes together. It makes it easier to balance. Another is, rather than deepening the backbend and lifting the chest, you can focus on lengthening and stretching the body.

If you are a beginner, it is best to start with the simpler poses and work your way up to the more complicated ones. In this case, you would want to master the following poses before attempting standing bow pose:

  • Mountain Pose or Tadasana
  • Chair Pose or Utkatasana
  • Half-Moon Pose or Ardha Chandrasana
  • Warrior Pose I or Virabhadrasana I
  • Warrior Pose III or Virabhadrasana III
  • Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose or Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Extended Side Angle Pose or Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Revolved Triangle Pose or Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Revolved Side Angle Pose or Parivrtta Parsvakonasana


Standing bow pose is one of the most popular asana which has many advantage, standing bow pose is a yoga pose. Standing bow pose can be done by everyone, any age people and any type of health. It can be practiced by everyone regardless of age.

It has great benefits to offer our body and mind. Apart from calming and relaxing your body, standing bow pose can also cure a number of problems like indigestion, headache and constipation.

If you want to take care of your health and fitness level, you should know about standing bow pose. It may look simple to perform. Yet, do not be mistaken because it may be difficult to hold. You should not spend your time and energy for nothing.

Do this exercise frequently and get a lot of pleasure from it. It will become easier after several times of training but be patient in the beginning and try to feel this work out by yourself.

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